It's never too late to stop fighting food.

You CAN create a peaceful relationship with food and body!


It is never too late to stop fighting food and instead create a peaceful relationship with food and body.



Thank you for your guidance as I navigated putting an end to the diet roller coaster I was on for so long. It was scary, not knowing what to expect, but you were there for me through every challenge. I only wish I found you years ago!


OMG did midlife creep up on you the way it did me?

I was chugging along, running a bustling and successful private practice, staying active, enjoying family, friends and hobbies.

Successful on the outside, but struggling with low self-esteem, chronic stress, disordered eating, poor body image, feeling unhappy and uncomfortable in my own skin…and using food to avoid feeling all the feels.

Can you relate?

It took me nearly a decade to get to a peaceful relationship with food, body and self. Let me save you some time, and help you on your path to freedom!

Coach Carol Ray

Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor
Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach
Certified Mind-Body Eating Psychology Coach
Certified Eating Freely Binge-Emotional Eating Specialist
Certified Positive Intelligence Mental Fitness Coach
Certified Vegan Lifestyle Coach & Educator


In working with Carol I have completely shed the dieting mentality including aspects I didn’t even know I had. I no longer think about calories, or “good” or “bad” foods. Trusting my body’s wisdom has freed up so much energy!


1:1 coaching  to improve your relationship with food and your body, tame unwanted eating habits, and get on with life!


Are you a woman looking to discover why you’re overeating or binge-eating, and how to tame it for good?

A FREE 3-Part Video Series to

Stop Unwanted Eating

Without Willpower, Dieting Or Avoiding Your Favorite Foods

Watch the free video series to discover:

✔ How to recognize and disrupt underlying patterns driving your unwanted eating habits

✔ How to develop personalized strategies based on your unique overeating or binge eating type

✔ How to continue breaking free even when setbacks happen


After decades of weight loss and regain, and constantly looking outside myself for ‘how to eat’, I have rebuilt trust with my body and it feels fantastic! I’ll never try another weight loss diet again.


Trusting your own mind and body to tell you what you need to eat, and when.

Feeling peace with your body without focusing on shrinking it or changing the way it looks.

Settling into your unique set-point weight range and not worrying about numbers on a scale.

Having energy and time to focus on living instead of focusing on what you’re eating or how you look

Carol is a true professional…able to guide clients to their own realizations about what a healthy mind/body relationship looks and feels like.

I feel liberated from outdated, energy-sucking beliefs and now appreciate my 60-year old body in ways I had not before.

Carol helped me uncover some deep and previously unrealized connections to my binge-eating.

I have incredible new awareness of the ways my saboteurs impact me, and how negatively they impact my relationship with myself and others. I can now disrupt some of my previously “default” reactions more easily and instead respond consciously.

I’m in such a better place after our work together. I’m now able to sit with things about my eating and body that a few months ago caused extreme anxiety.

I really appreciate your style of coaching. It was a great and productive balance of allowing me to discover, but with a little nudge of ‘hey, look over here…’ when I wasn’t seeing the big picture. Thank you!

You helped me see that I was using Intuitive Eating as another diet, versus a way to reconnect with myself, my body’s cues, and my ability to know what I need.